Name:      Christian Krapp
 E-Mail:    krabbe@Informatik.FH-Augsburg.DE
 Directory: arc

 Technical data:

 Born:   March 13th, 1975
 Height:  188 172 cm.

 Curriculum vitae:

 1975      : Birth in Augsburg
 1975-1981 : Bored at home
 1981-1987 : Grinding at the elementary school in Stadtbergen
 1987-1991 : Grinding at the "Staatliche Realschule" in Neusäß
 1991-1993 : Grinding at the "Staatliche Fachoberschule Augsburg"
 since 1993: Jumped over to the "Fachhochschule Augsburg", Department
             for computer science, emphasis on economy


   Finishing my studies (which might yet take some time ;-)


  Anything that has got to do with computers (pixels, programming)


 An Amiga 500 (built in 1987):
   68030 at 16 MHz
   4.5 MB memory
   52 MB harddisk

 An Amiga 1200 (built in 1993):
   68030/68882 at 50 MHz
   10 MB memory
   internal harddisk with modest 40 MB
   two external harddisks with 730 MB each
   Apple CD 300e+
   second disk drive (DD)
   HP 500c ink printer

 An Apple Macintosh:
   68030/68882 at 33 MHz
   4 MB memory
   50 MB harddisk

 Can access an Apple Power Macintosh 6100 (which belongs to my brother):
   24 MB memory
   520 MB harddisk
   internal CD-ROM drive

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